Kako se Glice klizalište montira?
Veoma je jednotavan za montažu, ne trebate specijalan alat niti specijalnu obuku. Za primjer, kompletno opremljeno Glice klizalište površine 200m2 je postavljeno za manje od pola dana.
Za komercijalna klizališta velikih površina mi uvijek pošaljemo osoblje iz naše tvrtke kako bi nadgledali montiranje klizališta. To uključuje i kompletnu izobrazbu vašeg osoblja odnosno zaposlenika na klizalištu.
Što je sa pripremnim radovima i na kakvu podlogu se može montirati Glice klizalište?
It’s straight-forward, you don’t need any special tools nor special training. For instance, a fully equipped 200m2 (approx. 2,000sqft) Glice synthetic rink is installed in less than half a day.
For larger sized commercial installations we offer to send a Glice staff to supervise the first time your rink is set up. This includes a full training session for your facility’s staff.
How do your panels connect?
It’s straight-forward, you don’t need any special tools nor special training. For instance, a fully equipped 200m2 (approx. 2,000sqft) Glice synthetic rink is installed in less than half a day.
For larger sized commercial installations we offer to send a Glice staff to supervise the first time your rink is set up. This includes a full training session for your facility’s staff.
Can my Glice rink be transported?
It’s straight-forward, you don’t need any special tools nor special training. For instance, a fully equipped 200m2 (approx. 2,000sqft) Glice synthetic rink is installed in less than half a day.
For larger sized commercial installations we offer to send a Glice staff to supervise the first time your rink is set up. This includes a full training session for your facility’s staff.
Kako se Glice klizalište montira?
Koje su točne dimenzije Glice panela?
Glice paneli su 1,965x965mm. We nudimo naše panele u dvije debljine - 20mm) i 13mm).
Koja je razlika između panela od (20mm) i panela od 13mm)?
Jedina razlika između ovih panela je samo u debljini. Jedan panel je debljine 20mm a drugi debljine 13mm.
Oba panela su proizvedena od identičnog materijala. Svi Glice proizvodi su pažljivo proizvedeni od najboljih sirovina, koristeći najmodernije proizvodne procese.
For which installation type should I use the 13mm/ 1/2in Glice panels? How about the 20mm / 3/4in?
Each installation and it’s purpose is unique we therefore recommend you review your project with your Glice representative who will assist you in developing the best Glice solution for your project.
While the 3/4in panel can be used for any application, as a rule of thumb the Glice 1/2in panels is suitable for any surface in- or outdoor up to around 1,000sqft or 100m2. Here is a brief overview:
Indoor Outdoor Permanent 3/4 in Panel 1/2in Panel 3/4 in Panel 1/2in Panel all surfaces up to 2,000sqft all surfaces up to 1,000sqft Temporary 3/4 in Panel 1/2in Panel 3/4 in Panel 1/2in Panel all surfaces all surfaces all surfaces up to 4,000sqft
Koje su točne dimenzije Glice panela?
Korištenje i održavanje
Can regular ice skates be used on Glice®?
Yes, the same ice skates used on conventional ice rinks can be used with Glice®.
Can Glice® be used outdoors?
Yes, Glice® can be installed outdoors and in any climate. We recommend covering your outdoor rink with a tarp when it’s not in use. This will help you keep your Glice surface clean and reduces cleaning cycles.
What happens when it rains or snows?
Rain or snow does not damage the Glice® surface. Also, water doesn’t decrease its functionality. When it snows, just remove the snow and the skating can continue. Snow or big puddles of water can be swiped off with a rubber mob and ice layers on the rink can be removed with the Glice cleaning machine using hot water.
Does your product require glide enhancers?
No. Due to a very specialized fabrication process, our panels are auto-lubricating and offer an excellent balance of glide and grip and over-all skating experience.
No. Due to a very specialized fabrication process, our panels are auto-lubricating and offer an excellent balance of glide and grip and over-all skating experience. Depending on how often your rink is used, you can apply Glice Care on the surface to nourish your Glice.
What’s the maintenance of Glice®?
The beauty of Glice synthetic ice is that its maintenance is really simple. While maintenance is straight forward, it must be performed regularly to ensure a great skating experience and awesome looks of your Glice surface. Here’s what we recommend:
Indoor Outdoor Low Use Weekly – Vacuum cleaning
Monthly – Floor scrubbing
Yearly – Pressure washerDaily – Vacuum cleaning
Biweekly – Floor scrubbing
Quarterly – Pressure washerHeave Use Daily – Vacuum cleaning
Weekly – Floor scrubbing
Quarterly –Pressure washerDaily – Vacuum cleaning (2x)
Weekly – Floor scrubbing
Monthly – Pressure washerIn general outdoor installations get dirty a bit more quickly since they are more exposed to particles. We therefore recommend covering all outdoor installations with a tarp when they are not in use. This will help you get the most out of your Glice surface.
For more detailed information on maintenance please refer to our Glice Installation, Maintenance and Operation, provided you by contacting Glice.
Having skated a couple of times now I noticed some scratches on my Glice® panels- is this normal? Is it possible to resurface the panels?
There is no need to worry about scratches. These marks will affect neither functionality nor skating experience. Glice® is a material of very high density and the scratches occur only superficially, so they never go deep into the surface. Therefore resurfacing is not necessary.
Can Glice only be used on one side like most other products?
One of the great things about Glice panels is that you can use them on both sides.
Can regular ice skates be used on Glice®?
Vaše klizalište
Do you also provide dasher boards and other accessories?
At Glice we offer you any level of customization you want. From Glice surface only to a full fledged commercial rink package that includes dasher boards, skates, cleaning and sharpening machines, and more.
In fact, if you will run your Glice rink commercially, we provide you with all the hardware you need so you can hit the ground running from day one.
What about hockey lines?
Our Crease Embedded TechnologyTM, a unique manufacturing process, allows us to embed creases and markings directly into the material. Contrary to paint, these markings are permanent, will not fade and cannot be scratched away.
Can I put advertisements on the dasher boards?
Yes, of course. Our dasher boards are specially designed so you can easily stick-on advertisement posters. This offers an additional revenue source to your daily entry and coaching fees.
Do you also provide dasher boards and other accessories?
Gdje i kako kupiti Glice?
How can I purchase Glice?
Kontaktirajte nas putem kontaktnog obrasca ili nas nazovite na telefon +385 91 922 22 00.
How can I purchase Glice?
Isporuka i dostava
Koje je vrijeme isporuke Glice klizališta?
Vrijeme isporuke ovisi o mjestu dostave, veličini i klizališta te posebnim zahtjevima vaše narudžbe. Vrijeme isporuke je uglavnom između 4 do 5 tjedana.
Koje je vrijeme isporuke Glice klizališta?
What is the life cycle of Glice? How long can I use it?
Depending on the usage as well as the level of maintenance, the life-span of the product is around 12-20 years for the 20mm / 3/4in Glice® panels and around 6-12 years for the 13mm / 1/2in panels. We provide a 12-year limited warrantee for the 3/4in and 6 years for the 1/2in version.
Why other synthetic ice products cheaper than Glice?
We use materials of the highest quality available and produce with a very unique manufacturing process. While Glice is not the cheapest product out there, offers best in class skating experience and durability. Read more
What is the life cycle of Glice? How long can I use it?
Da li imate dodatna pitanja?
Za večinu korisnika ovo je prvi puta da kupuju klizalište od sintetičkog leda. Tu smo za vas da vam damo odgovor na sva pitanja koja vas interesiraju.